Name of the shipper/exporter.
Address of the shipper/exporter.
Name of the final recipient of the shipment.
Address of the final recipient of the shipment.
Name of the party to be notified of the shipment status. Usually same as the consignee unless otherwise stated.
Address of the party to be notified of the shipment status. Usually same as the consignee unless otherwise stated.
Master Bill Of Lading.
House Bill Of Lading.
AMS, ITN, AES, ACI and other customs reference numbers.
This can be draft, original, or telex release.
Name and voyage number of the vessel that will deliver the cargo.
This is the origin port of the cargo.
This is the destination port the cargo.
This is the actual destination the cargo.
Prepaid or Collect (Prepaid in Origin or Collect in Destination).
This is dependent on BL Type - and where the Original BL is surrendered.
This is used to determines the type of service.
This determines the obligations and risk involved in the delivery of goods.
Date container and cargo boarded the ship.
Terminal where the cargo will be loaded onto the shipping vessel.
Date when the cargo will be loaded onto the shipping vessel
Place where carrier takes possession of cargo.
Place where the carrier will deliver the cargo.
Country of origin of the cargo.
For LCL, this is the label outside the carton or on the shrinkwrap around a pallet. For FCL, this is the container and seal number.
For FCL, this is the no. of containers. For LCL, this refers to the no. of packages in the largest unit.
Description of each package. May include handling instructions.
Total gross weight (in kilograms) per item.
Container number. Applicable for FCL shipments.
Seal number in container. Applicable for FCL shipments.
Applicable for FCL shipments.