3-digit airline code.
3-letter code of the airport of departure.
A unique control number to reference the air waybill.
Full name of the shipper.
Full address of the shipper.
Account number of the shipper.
Full name of the consignee.
Full address of the consignee
Account number of the consignee.
Full name of the carrier's agent
Full address of the carrier's agent.
11-digit IATA/Cass code.
Agent's account number.
Name of departure airport.
The destination airport code, or that of the first transfer airport.
Name of the first carrier.
The destination airport code, or that of the second transfer airport.
Name of the second carrier.
3-letter ISO code of the currency.
PX for prepaid account. PP for prepaid cash.
Weight/valuation charges.
Other charges.
Declared value for carriage.
Declared value for customs.
Name of destination airport.
Amount of insurance.
Clear and concise information as required by the carriers.
Number of pieces or Rate Combination Point.
Gross Weight.
Weight indicator (kg or lbs).
M: Minimum Charge, N: Normal Rate, Q: Quantity Rate, C: Specific Commodity Rate, R: Class Rate Redirection, S: Class Rate Surcharge, U: ULD, Basic Charge or Rate, E: ULD, Additional (Pivot) Rate, and X: ULD, Additional Information.
When SCR code applies ('C' or 'U' rate class), enter 4-digit code. When Class Rate Surcharge or Reduction applies, enter the percentage adjustment preceded by the Rate Class to which it applies (e.g. A 33% reduction on the Normal shall be expressed by N67). When ULD rate applies, enter ULD rate class type.
Chargeable weight applicable to the rate line.
Applicable rate charge.
Total charge applicable to the rate line.
Description and dimension (not applicable for cargo in intact ULD) of goods as applicable to the rate line. When ULD is used, enter the ULD. For ULD-loaded consignments, use the actual shipper's load and count (SLAC).
Total number of pieces.
Total gross weight.
Total charges.
Total weight charges.
Other charges due agent.
Other charges due carrier.
Sum total of AWB charges.
Execution date for the AWB in sequence: day, month (alphabetical) & year. (Month can be abbreviated).
Execution place of AWB (airport or city).
Product code.